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"The Greatest Showman: The True Story of P.T. Barnum and Jenny Lind"

According to the Hugh Jackman musical, the circus proprietor almost fell for the “Swedish nightingale”—but the real story is a lot more complicated.

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The sixth instalment in the Transformers film series is set 20 years before the events of the first film. Bumblebee finds refuge in a junkyard in a Californian beach town. Teenager Charlie (Steinfeld) discovers that battle-scarred Bumblebee is no ordinary Volkswagen Beetle, releasing on December 21, 2018.
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Steven Caple Jr. to Direct ‘Creed 2’ Starring Michael B. Jordan and Sylvester Stallone (EXCLUSIVE)

MGM and Warner Bros. have tapped up-and-coming director Steven Caple Jr. to direct Michael Jordan and Sylvester Stallone in”Creed2"tell Variety, with production expected to start spring in 2018.
Along with Jordan and Stallone, Tessa Thompson will also return for the sequel, reprising her role as Bianca.
Sources also say that Ryan Coogler, who directed “Creed,” is expected to join in an executive producer role, though a deal has not yet closed, as Coogler is currently wrapping up post-production on Marvel’s “Black Panther.”
Stallone had considered directing Creed2"at one point, but after talking it over with Jordan and the execs, they made the decision to find another director. After a lengthy search, Jordan and Stallone personally picked Caple to take the reins.

Caple will direct from an original screenplay written by Stallone and Cheo Hodari Coker (showrunner of “Luke Cage”) based on characters from the Rocky franchise. The film is being produced by Irwin Winkler, Charles Winkler, William Chartoff, David Winkler, and Kevin King-Templeton. Jordan and Guy Riedel will executive produce.
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‘Avengers: Infinity War’ Tops List of 2018 Most-Anticipated Movies.

As 2017 draws to a close, moviegoers are looking ahead to the films they’re most eagerly awaiting next year.
Disney-Marvel’s “Avengers: Infinity War” — which brings together the Avengers, the Guardians of the Galaxy, and almost every other major Marvel hero — is the No. 1 most-anticipated movie for 2018, according to IMDb’s analysis of page views of movies with planned U.S. releases next year.
In second place is Marvel’s “Black Panther,” starring Chadwick Boseman, followed by 20th Century Fox’s “Deadpool 2” with Ryan Reynolds reprising the antihero role. The Amazon-owned site calculated the rankings, released Tuesday, as determined by the actual page views of IMDb’s 250 million-plus monthly unique visitors worldwide.

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Somewhere on the proverbial cutting room floor is an awful lot more footage of Jason Momoa as Aquaman than we got in the Justice Leaguemovie. But where was in there showed promise. Momoa has a clear screen presence, and the intriguing appointment of James Wan to direct the movie is a promising choice.Wonder Woman-size success.
Not much, at the time of writing, is known about the film, but it’s the sole DC Extended Universe project on the 2018 release schedule. Warner Bros will be looking for a Wonder Woman-size success.

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He's definitely not Deadpool, OK?

Deathstroke is Slade Wilson, DC Comics' foremost assassin (and occasional anti-hero) – a sort of anti-Batman who's called in whenever the bad guys really want someone dead.
And if he sounds familiar, that's because Deadpool (aka Wade Wilson) was originally created as a shameless knock-off of Deathstroke before developing his own, irreverent personality.
But enough about Marvel – Deathstroke remains DC's grim, one-eyed killing machine.In October 2017, DC and Warner Bros were announced to be working on a solo Deathstroke movie. It joins a stuffed 'in development' list that includes BatgirlNightwingJustice League DarkCyborg, a Harley Quinn solo movie, a Harley Quinn and Joker team-up movie, a non-DCEU Joker movie and many more.
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Jurrasic World:Fallen Kingdom

We already know that the Jurrasic World sequel Fallen Kingdom is bringing back  jeff
Goldblum to reprise his role as franchise icon  Dr.Ian Malcolm,even if for a small cameo
role. But it would appear that despite initial claims,the fifth jurassic installement  may
feature another Jurassic Park icon-Sam Neill!Yes,back when Jurassic World was 
generating hype there were many rumors circulating that Neill would reprise his role
as Dr.Alan Grant but obviously those rumors proved to be untrue at the time.However,
as of most recently it would appear that Sam Neill has once again been thrown into the
rumor mill for Jurrasic World 2!Unconfirmed sources have claimed to have spotted
Sam Neill  arriving on set for Jurrasic World:Fallen Kingdom in a blacked out SUV.His
arrival and departure wer

e reportedly kept secret and not publicized like Goldblum.
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"Jumanji:welcome to the jungle"

Back in 1995, the original Jumanji gave audiences a thrilling, family-friendly adventure featuring a pair of orphaned siblings whose lives are upended when a mysterious board game brings all the wonder and danger of a fantastic jungle to life in their New Hampshire town. Celebrated director Joe Johnston packed heart, excitement, and laughs into the film, which also featured the late Robin Williams in one of his many memorable performances.
More than two decades later, Bad Teacher and Sex Tape director Jake Kasdan brings the story of that iconic game back to the big screen in Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle, a sequel to the 1995 film that gives it a contemporary update, more mature themes, and a cast of familiar faces. Although it doesn’t quite capture the same sense of wonder and suspense that fueled the first film, Welcome to the Jungle still manages to offer an entertaining adventure — primarily due to its charismatic, talented stars.
                                         Dwayne "The "Rock" Johnson Welcome to the Jungle that also features Jack Black, Kevin Hart, and Guardians of the Galaxy actress Karen Gillan. The actors portray a quartet of colorful game avatars inhabited by four high-school students who discover a dusty old copy of Jumanji — now in video game form — while stuck in detention together. Tasked with returning a magical jewel to the massive stone idol it was stolen from, the teenagers must learn to work together using the strengths and weaknesses inherent to their in-game avatars in order to return to the real world

headlines a cast in 
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'Star Wars: The Last Jedi'

The second film in the Disney-Lucasfilm Star Wars sequel trilogy, "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" has reaped millions after its premiere early December.
Since its first showing in Los Angeles on December 9 and its worldwide premiere days after, it has bagged $494 million in the global box office, according to Variety. 
The movie, which has garnered positive reviews from critics and fans, starts when Rey (Daisy Ridley) embarks on a journey to the hidden world of Ahch-To to find Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill), the last Jedi Master in the galaxy, and the last hope of the Resistance. 
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"Vikram Vedha" Hindi remake

‘Vikram Vedha' Hindi remake confirmed Madhavan confirmed the news but refused to comment on whether he will repeat his character i...


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